Source code for python_utils.logger

import abc
import logging

from . import decorators

__all__ = ['Logged']

from . import types

# From the logging typeshed, converted to be compatible with Python 3.8
_ExcInfoType: types.TypeAlias = types.Union[
        types.Union[types.TracebackType, None],
    types.Tuple[None, None, None],
_P = types.ParamSpec('_P')
_T = types.TypeVar('_T', covariant=True)

[docs] class LoggerBase(abc.ABC): '''Class which automatically adds logging utilities to your class when interiting. Expects `logger` to be a logging.Logger or compatible instance. Adds easy access to debug, info, warning, error, exception and log methods >>> class MyClass(LoggerBase): ... logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) ... ... def __init__(self): ... Logged.__init__(self) >>> my_class = MyClass() >>> my_class.debug('debug') >>>'info') >>> my_class.warning('warning') >>> my_class.error('error') >>> my_class.exception('exception') >>> my_class.log(0, 'log') ''' # Being a tad lazy here and not creating a Protocol. # The actual classes define the correct type anyway logger: types.Any @classmethod def __get_name( # pyright: ignore[reportUnusedFunction] cls, *name_parts: str ) -> str: return '.'.join(n.strip() for n in name_parts if n.strip())
[docs] @decorators.wraps_classmethod(logging.Logger.debug) @classmethod def debug( cls, msg: object, *args: object, exc_info: _ExcInfoType = None, stack_info: bool = False, stacklevel: int = 1, extra: types.Union[types.Mapping[str, object], None] = None, ) -> None: return cls.logger.debug( msg, *args, exc_info=exc_info, stack_info=stack_info, stacklevel=stacklevel, extra=extra, )
[docs] @decorators.wraps_classmethod( @classmethod def info( cls, msg: object, *args: object, exc_info: _ExcInfoType = None, stack_info: bool = False, stacklevel: int = 1, extra: types.Union[types.Mapping[str, object], None] = None, ) -> None: return msg, *args, exc_info=exc_info, stack_info=stack_info, stacklevel=stacklevel, extra=extra, )
[docs] @decorators.wraps_classmethod(logging.Logger.warning) @classmethod def warning( cls, msg: object, *args: object, exc_info: _ExcInfoType = None, stack_info: bool = False, stacklevel: int = 1, extra: types.Union[types.Mapping[str, object], None] = None, ) -> None: return cls.logger.warning( msg, *args, exc_info=exc_info, stack_info=stack_info, stacklevel=stacklevel, extra=extra, )
[docs] @decorators.wraps_classmethod(logging.Logger.error) @classmethod def error( cls, msg: object, *args: object, exc_info: _ExcInfoType = None, stack_info: bool = False, stacklevel: int = 1, extra: types.Union[types.Mapping[str, object], None] = None, ) -> None: return cls.logger.error( msg, *args, exc_info=exc_info, stack_info=stack_info, stacklevel=stacklevel, extra=extra, )
[docs] @decorators.wraps_classmethod(logging.Logger.critical) @classmethod def critical( cls, msg: object, *args: object, exc_info: _ExcInfoType = None, stack_info: bool = False, stacklevel: int = 1, extra: types.Union[types.Mapping[str, object], None] = None, ) -> None: return cls.logger.critical( msg, *args, exc_info=exc_info, stack_info=stack_info, stacklevel=stacklevel, extra=extra, )
[docs] @decorators.wraps_classmethod(logging.Logger.exception) @classmethod def exception( cls, msg: object, *args: object, exc_info: _ExcInfoType = None, stack_info: bool = False, stacklevel: int = 1, extra: types.Union[types.Mapping[str, object], None] = None, ) -> None: return cls.logger.exception( msg, *args, exc_info=exc_info, stack_info=stack_info, stacklevel=stacklevel, extra=extra, )
[docs] @decorators.wraps_classmethod(logging.Logger.log) @classmethod def log( cls, level: int, msg: object, *args: object, exc_info: _ExcInfoType = None, stack_info: bool = False, stacklevel: int = 1, extra: types.Union[types.Mapping[str, object], None] = None, ) -> None: return cls.logger.log( level, msg, *args, exc_info=exc_info, stack_info=stack_info, stacklevel=stacklevel, extra=extra, )
[docs] class Logged(LoggerBase): '''Class which automatically adds a named logger to your class when interiting Adds easy access to debug, info, warning, error, exception and log methods >>> class MyClass(Logged): ... def __init__(self): ... Logged.__init__(self) >>> my_class = MyClass() >>> my_class.debug('debug') >>>'info') >>> my_class.warning('warning') >>> my_class.error('error') >>> my_class.exception('exception') >>> my_class.log(0, 'log') >>> my_class._Logged__get_name('spam') 'spam' ''' logger: logging.Logger # pragma: no cover @classmethod def __get_name(cls, *name_parts: str) -> str: return LoggerBase._LoggerBase__get_name(*name_parts) # type: ignore def __new__(cls, *args: types.Any, **kwargs: types.Any): cls.logger = logging.getLogger( cls.__get_name(cls.__module__, cls.__name__) ) return super(Logged, cls).__new__(cls)