Source code for python_utils.time

# pyright: reportUnnecessaryIsInstance=false
import asyncio
import datetime
import functools
import itertools
import time

import python_utils
from python_utils import aio, exceptions, types

_T = types.TypeVar('_T')
_P = types.ParamSpec('_P')

# There might be a better way to get the epoch with tzinfo, please create
# a pull request if you know a better way that functions for Python 2 and 3
epoch = datetime.datetime(year=1970, month=1, day=1)

[docs] def timedelta_to_seconds(delta: datetime.timedelta) -> types.Number: '''Convert a timedelta to seconds with the microseconds as fraction Note that this method has become largely obsolete with the `timedelta.total_seconds()` method introduced in Python 2.7. >>> from datetime import timedelta >>> '%d' % timedelta_to_seconds(timedelta(days=1)) '86400' >>> '%d' % timedelta_to_seconds(timedelta(seconds=1)) '1' >>> '%.6f' % timedelta_to_seconds(timedelta(seconds=1, microseconds=1)) '1.000001' >>> '%.6f' % timedelta_to_seconds(timedelta(microseconds=1)) '0.000001' ''' # Only convert to float if needed if delta.microseconds: total = delta.microseconds * 1e-6 else: total = 0 total += delta.seconds total += delta.days * 60 * 60 * 24 return total
[docs] def delta_to_seconds(interval: types.delta_type) -> float: ''' Convert a timedelta to seconds >>> delta_to_seconds(datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)) 1 >>> delta_to_seconds(datetime.timedelta(seconds=1, microseconds=1)) 1.000001 >>> delta_to_seconds(1) 1 >>> delta_to_seconds('whatever') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Unknown type ... ''' if isinstance(interval, datetime.timedelta): return timedelta_to_seconds(interval) elif isinstance(interval, (int, float)): return interval else: raise TypeError('Unknown type %s: %r' % (type(interval), interval))
[docs] def delta_to_seconds_or_none( interval: types.Optional[types.delta_type], ) -> types.Optional[float]: if interval is None: return None else: return delta_to_seconds(interval)
[docs] def format_time( timestamp: types.timestamp_type, precision: datetime.timedelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), ) -> str: '''Formats timedelta/datetime/seconds >>> format_time('1') '0:00:01' >>> format_time(1.234) '0:00:01' >>> format_time(1) '0:00:01' >>> format_time(datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)) '2000-01-02 03:04:05' >>> format_time(, 1, 2)) '2000-01-02' >>> format_time(datetime.timedelta(seconds=3661)) '1:01:01' >>> format_time(None) '--:--:--' >>> format_time(format_time) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Unknown type ... ''' precision_seconds = precision.total_seconds() if isinstance(timestamp, str): timestamp = float(timestamp) if isinstance(timestamp, (int, float)): try: timestamp = datetime.timedelta(seconds=timestamp) except OverflowError: # pragma: no cover timestamp = None if isinstance(timestamp, datetime.timedelta): seconds = timestamp.total_seconds() # Truncate the number to the given precision seconds = seconds - (seconds % precision_seconds) return str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)) elif isinstance(timestamp, datetime.datetime): # pragma: no cover # Python 2 doesn't have the timestamp method if hasattr(timestamp, 'timestamp'): seconds = timestamp.timestamp() else: seconds = timedelta_to_seconds(timestamp - epoch) # Truncate the number to the given precision seconds = seconds - (seconds % precision_seconds) try: # pragma: no cover dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(seconds) except (ValueError, OSError): # pragma: no cover dt = datetime.datetime.max return str(dt) elif isinstance(timestamp, return str(timestamp) elif timestamp is None: return '--:--:--' else: raise TypeError('Unknown type %s: %r' % (type(timestamp), timestamp))
[docs] def timeout_generator( timeout: types.delta_type, interval: types.delta_type = datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), iterable: types.Union[ types.Iterable[_T], types.Callable[[], types.Iterable[_T]] ] = itertools.count, # type: ignore interval_multiplier: float = 1.0, maximum_interval: types.Optional[types.delta_type] = None, ): ''' Generator that walks through the given iterable (a counter by default) until the float_timeout is reached with a configurable float_interval between items >>> for i in timeout_generator(0.1, 0.06): ... print(i) 0 1 2 >>> timeout = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.1) >>> interval = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.06) >>> for i in timeout_generator(timeout, interval, itertools.count()): ... print(i) 0 1 2 >>> for i in timeout_generator(1, interval=0.1, iterable='ab'): ... print(i) a b >>> timeout = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.1) >>> interval = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.06) >>> for i in timeout_generator(timeout, interval, interval_multiplier=2): ... print(i) 0 1 2 ''' float_timeout: float = delta_to_seconds(timeout) float_interval: float = delta_to_seconds(interval) float_maximum_interval: types.Optional[float] = delta_to_seconds_or_none( maximum_interval ) iterable_: types.Iterable[_T] if callable(iterable): iterable_ = iterable() else: iterable_ = iterable end = float_timeout + time.perf_counter() for item in iterable_: yield item if time.perf_counter() >= end: break time.sleep(float_interval) interval *= interval_multiplier if float_maximum_interval: float_interval = min(float_interval, float_maximum_interval)
[docs] async def aio_timeout_generator( timeout: types.delta_type, interval: types.delta_type = datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), iterable: types.Union[ types.AsyncIterable[_T], types.Callable[..., types.AsyncIterable[_T]] ] = aio.acount, interval_multiplier: float = 1.0, maximum_interval: types.Optional[types.delta_type] = None, ) -> types.AsyncGenerator[_T, None]: ''' Async generator that walks through the given async iterable (a counter by default) until the float_timeout is reached with a configurable float_interval between items The interval_exponent automatically increases the float_timeout with each run. Note that if the float_interval is less than 1, 1/interval_exponent will be used so the float_interval is always growing. To double the float_interval with each run, specify 2. Doctests and asyncio are not friends, so no examples. But this function is effectively the same as the `timeout_generator` but it uses `async for` instead. ''' float_timeout: float = delta_to_seconds(timeout) float_interval: float = delta_to_seconds(interval) float_maximum_interval: types.Optional[float] = delta_to_seconds_or_none( maximum_interval ) iterable_: types.AsyncIterable[_T] if callable(iterable): iterable_ = iterable() else: iterable_ = iterable end = float_timeout + time.perf_counter() async for item in iterable_: # pragma: no branch yield item if time.perf_counter() >= end: break await asyncio.sleep(float_interval) float_interval *= interval_multiplier if float_maximum_interval: # pragma: no branch float_interval = min(float_interval, float_maximum_interval)
[docs] async def aio_generator_timeout_detector( generator: types.AsyncGenerator[_T, None], timeout: types.Optional[types.delta_type] = None, total_timeout: types.Optional[types.delta_type] = None, on_timeout: types.Optional[ types.Callable[ [ types.AsyncGenerator[_T, None], types.Optional[types.delta_type], types.Optional[types.delta_type], BaseException, ], types.Any, ] ] = exceptions.reraise, **on_timeout_kwargs: types.Mapping[types.Text, types.Any], ) -> types.AsyncGenerator[_T, None]: ''' This function is used to detect if an asyncio generator has not yielded an element for a set amount of time. The `on_timeout` argument is called with the `generator`, `timeout`, `total_timeout`, `exception` and the extra `**kwargs` to this function as arguments. If `on_timeout` is not specified, the exception is reraised. If `on_timeout` is `None`, the exception is silently ignored and the generator will finish as normal. ''' if total_timeout is None: total_timeout_end = None else: total_timeout_end = time.perf_counter() + delta_to_seconds( total_timeout ) timeout_s = python_utils.delta_to_seconds_or_none(timeout) while True: try: if total_timeout_end and time.perf_counter() >= total_timeout_end: raise asyncio.TimeoutError('Total timeout reached') if timeout_s: yield await asyncio.wait_for(generator.__anext__(), timeout_s) else: yield await generator.__anext__() except asyncio.TimeoutError as exception: if on_timeout is not None: await on_timeout( generator, timeout, total_timeout, exception, **on_timeout_kwargs, ) break except StopAsyncIteration: break
[docs] def aio_generator_timeout_detector_decorator( timeout: types.Optional[types.delta_type] = None, total_timeout: types.Optional[types.delta_type] = None, on_timeout: types.Optional[ types.Callable[ [ types.AsyncGenerator[types.Any, None], types.Optional[types.delta_type], types.Optional[types.delta_type], BaseException, ], types.Any, ] ] = exceptions.reraise, **on_timeout_kwargs: types.Mapping[types.Text, types.Any], ): ''' A decorator wrapper for aio_generator_timeout_detector. ''' def _timeout_detector_decorator( generator: types.Callable[_P, types.AsyncGenerator[_T, None]] ) -> types.Callable[_P, types.AsyncGenerator[_T, None]]: ''' The decorator itself. ''' @functools.wraps(generator) def wrapper( *args: _P.args, **kwargs: _P.kwargs ) -> types.AsyncGenerator[_T, None]: return aio_generator_timeout_detector( generator(*args, **kwargs), timeout, total_timeout, on_timeout, **on_timeout_kwargs, ) return wrapper return _timeout_detector_decorator